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Coping With COVID-19: The Arts Industry

Emily Sung

Updated: Dec 11, 2021

by Emily Sung


Crowds from all around the world gather to see and enjoy pieces of art, traveling across countries to visit museums, “ticketing” with their utmost effort to go to concerts, and more that would let them experience the art physically, or in person, as that lets them enjoy art to its fullest extent. Art is simply not the same if it is viewed through a small computer monitor opposed to a live stage in front of an audience. However, the outbreak of COVID-19, which has spiraled into a global pandemic, means that people can no longer visit art galleries or concerts but must rather stay home to uphold social distancing.

It is not surprising nowadays to see artists cancelling or delaying all their scheduled events to keep themselves safe. Tours and concerts of renowned artists in the music industry have been cancelled or delayed, movie releases that were highly looked forward are being postponed, and museums are closing one by one. It seems as though the luxury of appreciating art will have to be suspended for at least some time. Of course, people across the world including myself, along with my peers are heavily disappointed with the lack of events that could cheer us up in a time of global sadness.

Though this could be disappointing for many who have relied on art as a stress-reliever before the outbreak of the epidemic, people have found a way to cope with the virus, while still being able to directly experience the art. For instance, artists have hosted meet and greets with their masks on and required that fans must come with masks on as well. Furthermore, Broadway musicals are now available online, thus letting people be able to enjoy these works of art even while being in quarantine. Methods like these opened the opportunity up to the public to enjoy art even during times of such pressing global crises.

Personally, I am a person that gets bored very quickly and easily, and when I first heard that I would have to stay home for weeks, possibly months, without physical contact or time spent outside, I did not know how I would be able to survive. At first, I simply slept for hours as I did not have anything better to do. Sooner or later, however, I gained access to the knowledge that Broadway musicals were available online. Viewing these musicals online, my peers and I felt that there really was not much difference from that and viewing these in person. My friends and I also binge watched Netflix movies using a website that allowed us to have a movie night without physically being together. This was, surprisingly, as enjoyable as a real movie theater. After, coping with quarantine and the lack of art around me did not seem like an issue anymore, as these online substitutes that were being provided were enough to keep me entertained.

Although some might say that the art industry is a second-hand priority and should not be thought about during times of chaos, eliminating art as a whole from people’s lives is chaotic in and of itself. Especially during a time of global depression, being able to enjoy art here and there will definitely benefit.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” — Pablo Picasso


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